Seminar of Algebra

What is it?

The Seminar of Algebra is a periodical event open to researchers from national and international universities, with the aim of sharing the latest developments in their research.

Contact the organizer

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Drop us a line at

Upcoming talks

Ignacio Luengo Velasco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Tue, 12 nov 2024 12:00

Past talks (Since Jan 2014)

Tue, 29 oct 2024Félix Baril BoudreauDescomponer la cohomología étale y funciones $L$
Tue, 15 oct 2024June RoupinThe alternating normal form in the standard braid monoid
Mon, 14 oct 2024June RoupinThe alternating normal form in the standard braid monoid
Tue, 1 oct 2024Sara Arias de Reyna DomínguezElliptic curves and locally cyclic Galois extensions
Thu, 23 may 2024Gregor Böhm and Luisa GietlArtin Approximation Theorems
Tue, 21 may 2024Joan-Carles LarioFourier vs Taylor
Tue, 14 may 2024Eamon Quinlan-GallegoLa teoría de F-módulos y aplicaciones a cohomología local (II)
Mon, 13 may 2024Eamon Quinlan-GallegoLa teoría de F-módulos y aplicaciones a cohomología local (I)
Tue, 7 may 2024Mark SpivakovskySobre la conjetura de Casas Alvero
Tue, 30 apr 2024Antonio Beato Caro, O'Bryan Cárdenas, José Gálvez Mateos y Miguel Pineda MartínSesión rápida predoctoral (II)

Google calendar

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