Seminar of Algebra

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Derived categories of second kind

Ai Guan (Universidad de Sevilla)
Departamento de Álgebra
Wed, 29 jun 2022 10:30
Postdoctoral researcher. Interested in homotopical and homological algebra, and related areas such as category theory, representation theory, and derived deformation theory.

Koszul duality is a phenomenon occurring widely throughout algebra and geometry, a classical example being the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand correspondence which says that there is an equivalence between certain bounded derived categories. In more modern formulations of Koszul duality, due to Keller–Lefèvre and Positselski, the boundedness conditions are removed by replacing the derived category on one side by a "coderived" category, also called a derived category "of second kind". We will introduce these coderived categories and then show how further generalising Koszul duality leads to other, more exotic, derived categories of second kind.